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Word-Form Recognition Fluency, Rollin' Words

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Activity Type: Build Fluency
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: 1 die, 30 word-recognition cards of previously learned words divided into six piles, 6 post-it notes numbered 1-6
Goal: Given a written regular word, the student can recognize the word with automaticity ( abc -> "abc" )
Items: Any set of word-recognition words learned so far. For a list of regular words, consult the Sounding Out Word Cards [[1]].

What to do

  1. Place 5 word cards in each pile face down, with the blank sides of the cards facing up.
  2. Have students sit in front of the piles either in their seats at a large table or on a rug.
  3. Today, we are going to play a game called “Rollin’ Words.” In this game, each of you will get the chance to roll this die. You will look at the number on the die and then pick up a word card from that number pile. You will then read that word and if you get it correct, you can keep the word in your own winning words pile. Let’s practice.
  4. Model by rolling the die. Then choose a word card from that corresponding pile and read the word. Keep the word card in front of you in your “winning” pile.
  5. Begin the game by having students take turns individually. If students read a word incorrectly, please help them sound it out. If you choose, you can ask for a volunteer to help the student sound out the word. Keep playing the game once all students have gone at least twice or until all the cards are gone.
  6. Good job, word rollers! I want everyone to pick up their words and read them to the group to show how smart you are. Let’s start with our first player.
  7. Have each student read his or her words to the group. Clap after each student.
  8. I am so impressed with your reading abilities, students. You read all these words correctly. Way to go!
  9. Observe students play the game. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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