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Build Mastery: Informative Writing (Teaching Book)

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Lesson Type: Build Mastery
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group, Large Group, Whole Class
Length: 20 minutes
Goal: Given a graphic organizer, students will create a short text that includes key elements of informational texts.

Materials: Board or chart paper, scissors, staplers, copies of Animal Facts Mini Book (print here)

What to Do


Make copies of the Animal Facts Mini Book for each student.


1. Explain the lesson.

Today you are going to write your own animal book. You will use facts that you already know about your animal. Remember that a fact is something that is true and can be proven. It is not how you feel about the animal. You will use the headings to organize your facts. The four headings are: Body Parts, Habitat, Diet, and Interesting Facts. Try to include labeled pictures, charts, or maps to help make your facts clear.


2. Have your students complete the Animal Facts Mini Book. You can help students cut out and staple the pages of the book together when they are finished. If time allows, students may create a cover, table of contents, or glossary for their books.

3. When all students have finished, ask them to read their books out loud to partners.


For Advanced Students:

Encourage these students to add more headings to their books and to research their animals further. Ask them to look for level-appropriate resources to find additional information.

For Struggling Students:

Some students may have difficulty recalling facts. In this case work with them independently or in small groups to brainstorm facts.

For ELL Students:

Allow these students to provide short sentences and pictures to record the facts.

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