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Digraphs ch, sh, th, wh

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Peer
Grade: 1, 2
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: Picture cards, dice, paper with the sounds th, wh, sh, ch listed at the top
Goal: Students will discriminate between the sounds of th, wh, sh, ch when they come at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.
Items: Words using the digraphs th, wh, sh, ch, such as think, whale, ship, church, etc.

What to do

  1. Teacher will distribute picture cards that contain the digraphs listed above. A discussion will be held to help the students discriminate between the sounds.
  2. Students will sort the sounds by using the categorized paper provided and list each word under the correct digraph sound. Teacher will help with the spelling if needed.
  3. Teacher will pass out dice that are labeled with digraphs and the students will roll the die and will state a word that has that digraph in it. This may be at the beginning, middle, or end. The student will record the word. Students may also use magazines and paste pictures under the correct digraph.
  4. Students will read their words to each other and peer check to see if the words are under the correct.

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About this activity

Students will discriminate the digraphs sh, ch, wh, th.