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Letter combination fluency

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Activity Type: Build Fluency
Activity Form: Standard
Grade: K, 1, 2
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 10 minutes
Materials: Multiple copies of large letter combination cards (print them here)
Goal: Given a printed letter combination, the student can say its sound with automaticity ( ai -> /ay/ )
Items: All letter combinations learned so far

What to do

  1. Assemble a stack of letter combination cards large enough for the group to see. The cards should be a mix of all combinations learned so far. It's a good idea to include multiple copies of any cards that students struggle with.
  2. Now let's play a game. We're going to try to go through this stack of cards as fast as we can saying the correct sound. These are all letters that stick together, so say just one sound when you draw a card. Let's see how fast we can go. My turn first.
  3. Next, model taking the top card of the stack, showing it to the students, and saying its sound after a pause. Continue through the stack.
  4. Do you think you can go faster than I did? (Or, if students are still mastering the sounds, Do you think you can go through the stack without making a mistake?) Call on a single student in the group. Show the first card: What's the sound? If the student is incorrect, correct the student, have him or her repeat your answer, and move to the next card. Praise correct answers.
  5. Select the next student, shuffle the stack, and repeat until all students in the group have worked through it.
  6. Okay, now let's go faster. Shuffle the stack of cards and then repeat with students in the same order, but encouraging them to go faster.
  7. If time and focus allow, shuffle and repeat at an even faster pace.
  8. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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