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Prefix/Suffix Match-Up

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Lesson Type: Build Mastery
Grade: 2, 3
Group Size: Pair, Small Group
Length: 10 minutes
Goal: Given a prefix, suffix, and root word, students will be able to generate words by matching them appropriately.

What to Do


Divide students into groups of two or three. Use the Ten Card Template to create a set of Match-Up cards for each group. Match-Up is played like a conventional memory game.

Write at least four or five prefixes or suffixes and root words that students have already learned on the Ten Card Template. Make sure that all cards have a match. You can create more cards if you want the game to last longer and to be more challenging for your students.


1. Review the prefixes, root words, and suffixes on the cards.

Today, we will learn more about prefixes, root words, and suffixes by playing Match-Up.

2. Choose a student to help you model how to play the game. Complete each step together with the class.

First, my partner and I will lay out all of the cards face down.

3. With the student, place the cards face down in a game board set-up.

Now it is my turn. I am going to choose two cards and flip them over one at a time.

I have to decide if the cards are a match. I chose the prefix/suffix __________ and the root word __________. Do they make a word?

Allow students to answer.

If I made a word, I will say the word out loud and keep the cards. I will also get another turn. If I did not make a word, I will turn the cards back over. It will then be the next player’s turn.

Allow the student to take a turn.

It is important to watch which cards are placed in which spots so that when it is your turn, you can make a match. The person with the most matches at the end is the winner!


4. Have students play Match-Up.

Now, it is your turn to play Match-Up. Remember to say the word out loud if you make a match, and keep the cards.

5. Walk around the classroom to monitor the students’ performance on this task.

6. As a wrap-up, you may ask students to share with the class some of the words they have created with their matches.


For Advanced Students:

When these students have finished playing, ask them to look at their cards and see if they can create additional words.

For Struggling Students:

Ask these students to write down each word that they make on a sheet of paper. Have them circle the prefix or suffix.

For ELL Students:

ELL students may need an explanation of the meaning of the root word before adding a prefix or a suffix.

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