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Sounding out accuracy, Word Baseball

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: K, 1
Group Size: Whole Class
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: Index Cards, bucket
Goal: Given a printed regular word, students can sound out and then say the word (abc -> “aaabbbccc” -> "abc").
Items: All letter sounds learned so far

What to do

  1. Before introducing the game, create a list of CVC words (or any other word pattern you want students to practice). Copy words onto index cards. Take five blank index cards and label them "Home Run", "Single", "Double", "Triple", and "Out."
  2. Take 4 more blank index cards and label them "Home Plate", "First Base", "Second Base", and "Third Base." Post first base at the front of the room. Continue posting the signs around the room to form a diamond shape.
  3. Today we are going to play a game of baseball! Raise your hand if you like to play baseball. We need two teams to play baseball. Divide the class into two teams.
  4. When your team is up to bat, I will call up one person. When it is your turn, you must come up to home plate. Show students where home plate is.
  5. I am going to show you a card with a word on it. You will bat by sounding out and saying that word. If you answer correctly, you can pick a card from the baseball plays in this bucket. Your card will tell you where to go.
  6. Watch how I do it. Demonstrate picking a card. Show your card to the students. Now I am going to sound out my word. Caaat…Cat! Thumbs up or thumbs down? Great. Now I can pick a card from the baseball plays in the bucket.
  7. Show students where they will find the first, second, and third bases in the classroom.
  8. If you get the card that says "Out" your team gets one out and you must sit down. When your team gets three outs, the other team is up to bat.
  9. As soon as someone from your team makes it back to home plate you score a run! We will keep track of the runs on the chalkboard.
  10. Does anyone have any questions? Answer any questions.
  11. Okay, let’s get started.
  12. For variation, you can choose a student to be the pitcher. That student will be in charge of holding up cards for the batter. You can also choose a student to be the scorekeeper on the chalkboard.
  13. Observe students. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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