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Word-Form Recognition Fluency, Word Bank

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Activity Type: Build Fluency
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group
Materials: Set of 15-20 word-recognition word cards with the values of one-ten written at random on the opposite side of the card (example: bat on one side of the card and the number seven written on the opposite side of the card), about 100 counters
Goal: Given a written regular word, the student can recognize the word with automaticity ( abc -> "abc" )
Items: Any set of word-recognition words learned so far.

What to do

  1. Place word-recognition cards on the rug with the word side facing the students.
  2. Have students sit in front of the cards.
  3. Today, we are going to play a game called “Word Bank.” In the game “Word Bank,” you get “paid” every time you read a word correctly. I will call on you individually to come up to the “Bank.” You will point to a word and read it. When you read that word correctly, you will flip over that card and see the number of counters you have just earned. You will then get “paid” by the “bank” that amount of counters. After that, you will sit down and let the other bank patrons come to the bank. Let’s try it!
  4. Model once for the class.
  5. Allow each student to come to the bank once, then go in the same order again until all words have been “bought.”
  6. Let’s count our totals!
  7. Have each student count their total number of counters.
  8. Regardless of how many counters you have, you all did an amazing job buying words today at our own little “Word Bank.” I’m very impressed with your reading skills – way to go!
  9. Observe students play the game. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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