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Decodable non-fiction passages - Golf

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What is golf?

You can golf. Gram, Gramp, Mom, Dad, sis and you can all golf.

In golf, you hit a ball, a golf ball. You hit the ball at a flag. The flag is in a cup. The cup is far. The flag is in the cup to help you see the cup.

You swing a golf club to hit the ball. You must hit the ball far. You must swing well to hit the ball far. By the cup, you must have a soft swing. In golf, you must adjust the swing.

Golf can be fun. But, I admit, it can be difficult.

If you hit in the sand, you have a problem. You can hit from the sand. It is difficult, but you can do it.

If you hit in the pond, you have a big problem. You cannot hit from the pond.

Golf can be fun for all, but golf can be difficult.

(Spache: 2.44)