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Introduce Vocabulary: How to Make an Apple Pie and see the World (Priceman)

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Lesson Type: Introduce
Grade: K, 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group, Whole Class
Length: 20 minutes
Goal: After listening to a fiction read-aloud, students will know the meaning of three Tier Two vocabulary words.

Materials: How to Make an Apple Pie and see the World (Priceman), board or chart paper

What to Do


Select three Tier Two vocabulary words to teach your students. A list of suggested words appears below. Write the vocabulary words on the board or on chart paper.


1. Introduce the story.

Today we are going to read a story entitled How to Make an Apple Pie and see the World.

2. Introduce the three vocabulary words you have chosen.

Before we read the story, I want to introduce some new words that we will come across. Please repeat each word after I say it.

3. Read the story.

Let’s read the story. Make sure to listen for today’s vocabulary words and to think about how they are used in the story. If you hear a vocabulary word while I am reading, raise your hand.

4. Define key vocabulary words. See definitions below.

Let’s think about our vocabulary words. The word ______________ means ____________. Does anyone remember how this word was used in the text?

Call on students to answer the question. Then refer to the text to show how the word was used in context. Repeat this process for each vocabulary word.


Now let’s practice what we’ve learned.


Acquaintance means someone you know but aren’t friends with yet. What’s the word?

The woman on the end of the street is an acquaintance of mine. I’ve said hello to her a few times, but never visited her. Have you made the acquaintance of all the other children in your classroom?

I’m going to name some people. If you think the person is someone you might know someday, say acquaintance. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • The president of the United States
  • The children in the school
  • The lady who serves lunch in the lunchroom
  • The janitor
  • A famous artist


Coax means to try to talk someone into doing something that he doesn’t want to do. What’s the word?

The horse didn’t want to come in the barn, but we coaxed him with carrots. Did you coax your brother into giving you his candy?

I’m going to name some things. If you think you’d have to talk someone into doing the things, say coax. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • A bird to fly
  • A dog to give up a bone
  • A cat to get into a cage
  • A fish to swim
  • A shy person to sing on stage


Ingredients are all the things you put into a recipe to make something. What’s the word?

I will make cake, but first I have to go to the store to get the ingredients. Do you know the ingredients for mud pie?

I’m going to name some items. If you think the item is part of a recipe for cookies, say ingredient. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • A brick
  • Flour
  • Chocolate
  • Eggs
  • Tadpoles


Locate means to find something. What’s the word?

I can’t locate my home on this map. Did you locate your homework that was missing?

I’m going to name some things. If you think you could find the thing in your house, say locate. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • A water faucet
  • A penguin
  • A refrigerator
  • An iceberg
  • An ice cube


Spoil means to go rotten. What’s the word?

Milk spoils quickly if it gets warm. Did your potato salad spoil at the picnic?

I’m going to name some things. If you think the thing could turn rotten if left out in the sun, say spoil. Otherwise, stay quiet. Ready?

  • Ham
  • A doll
  • A shovel
  • A tuna sandwich
  • Your mom’s car


For Advanced Students:

If time permits, have students create more examples for the vocabulary words.

For Struggling Students:

If time permits, have students record the words on a Vocabulary Discovery Chart or in a Word Journal.

For ELL Students:

In order to help ELL students learn the words, it may be helpful to use realia and/or to teach cognates.

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