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Letter sound accuracy, Letter Hunt Tally

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Standard
Grade: K, 1
Group Size: Individual
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: Letter cards, basket, books (trade books or text books)
Goal: Given a printed letter, the student can say the letter’s sound and identify words beginning with that sound (d -> /d/).
Items: All letter sounds learned so far

What to do

  1. Before beginning the game, print Letter cards. Glue them to sturdy index cards and laminate if possible.
  2. Today we are all going to be detectives. Raise your hand if you are ready to be a detective! Great!
  3. You are going to work with a partner. Together with your partner you are going to hunt through a book and see how many times you can find your letter at the beginning of a word. We are going to use tally marks to keep track of how many times we see our letter in a word. Raise your hand if you remember how to use tally marks. Give a brief explanation if students are unsure.
  4. Divide students into partners and pass out one piece of paper to each set of partners. Each person should now write their name on the top of your page. Good. Now I am going to call up each partner group to pick a letter from the basket. Once you have your letter, write it in the first box on your page. That is the letter you will be hunting for. Remember, you will be looking for that letter at the beginning of words.
  5. Each time you see a word with your letter, quietly sound out your word.
  6. Also remember, you can’t start until everyone has their letter! Call up partners to pick letters.
  7. Okay, now that everyone has their letter, we are ready to begin. When I say start I am going to start my timer for three minutes. You need to take out your science book and begin hunting for your letter. Remember, you should only have one book out in front of you. Share with your partner. Don’t take your book out until I say start!
  8. Start! Walk around the room and make sure students understand the activity. When the timer goes off, allow partners to share how many times they found their letter at the beginning of a word. You can have them put their cards back and repeat the activity again.
  9. Observe students. For students who struggle, give them help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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