Vocabulary Beat the Timer
From FreeReading
Activity Type: Build Fluency |
Activity Form: Game |
Grade: 1, 2, 3 |
Group Size: Small Group |
Length: 5 minutes |
Materials: Index cards, something to write with, timer |
Goal: Given a clue, students will be able to determine the corresponding vocabulary word. |
Items: Any recently introduced words |
What to do
- Create word cards. On the front of each card write the word (for instance, cat) and on the back write a clue to help the student figure out the word on the front (I purr and am soft).
- Have all students participating in this activity form a group. Set the timer for three minutes, but do not start it yet. We are going to play a game with some of the words you have just learned. I am going to read a clue. If you think you know the word my clue is hinting at, say it!
- Start the timer. Read the clue from the first card. The first student who says the word gets the card. Repeat for all your cards.
- The person with the most cards at the end of three minutes is the winner. You may wish to note any students who struggle in an Activity Log.