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Vocabulary Beat the Timer

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Activity Type: Build Fluency
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 5 minutes
Materials: Index cards, something to write with, timer
Goal: Given a clue, students will be able to determine the corresponding vocabulary word.
Items: Any recently introduced words

What to do

  1. Create word cards. On the front of each card write the word (for instance, cat) and on the back write a clue to help the student figure out the word on the front (I purr and am soft).
  2. Have all students participating in this activity form a group. Set the timer for three minutes, but do not start it yet. We are going to play a game with some of the words you have just learned. I am going to read a clue. If you think you know the word my clue is hinting at, say it!
  3. Start the timer. Read the clue from the first card. The first student who says the word gets the card. Repeat for all your cards.
  4. The person with the most cards at the end of three minutes is the winner. You may wish to note any students who struggle in an Activity Log.

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