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Word-Form Recognition Accuracy, Go Fish

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 1, 2, 3
Group Size: Small Group
Length: 15 minutes
Materials: Spanish sight word cards
Goal: Given a written regular word, the student can say the word with automaticity ( abc ->
Items: All word recognition words learned so far

What to do

  1. Sit in a circle with your students.
  2. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal out five cards to each player, including yourself. Place remaining cards face down in a pile in the middle of your circle.
  3. Today we are going to play a game called Go Fish. Please look at the cards in your hand. If any two words match, place them in front of you, raise your hand, and when I call on you, please read me the words. For example, I have one pair of matching cards in my hand. (Show two matching cards, such as two cards that have the word mat.) So, I will place them in front of me (face up), read the words to myself silently, and raise my hand. Then once I am called on, I will read the words like this: mat (point to the first card in the pair) and mat (point to the second card in the pair).
  4. Once all the students have placed their matching cards in front of them, call on each student to read his or her matching word cards.
  5. The goal of this game is to get rid of all of your word cards by finding a matching word card for every card in your hand. Now spread out the cards in your hand so that only you can see the words on your cards. (Model this for the students.) I will go first by asking Jayden (on your left) whether he has a match for one of the words on my cards. Jayden, do you have catbox? If Jayden has that word, he must give me the card, and I get to ask if he has another word. If not, he should say, Go fish!, which means I have to draw a card from the draw pile and let him take a turn.
  6. As you play the game, make sure to ask students to read their word cards aloud whenever a match is made. If a student has a hard time recognizing a word by sight, have the student sound out the word slowly and then repeat the word quickly.
  7. If the draw pile runs out before any of the players have depleted the cards in their hand, the winner of the game is the person with the most pairs of word cards.

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