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Word Journal

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Lesson Type: Build Mastery
Grade: K, 1
Group Size: Individual, Pair, Small Group, Large Group, Whole Class
Length: 5 minutes
Goal: Given vocabulary words, students will attach meaning to them by recording and drawing pictures that represent them in a journal.

Materials: Sample Word Journal (print here), pencils, markers, board or chart paper; if you would like students to keep ongoing word journals, you should also make sure that they have notebooks or tablets

What to Do


Print out a copy of the Sample Word Journal for each student. Write a list of the vocabulary words your students are studying on the board.


1. Review the vocabulary words you have chosen for this lesson.

Today, we will become more familiar with the vocabulary words we’ve learned by making a Word Journal.

2. Use a large piece of chart paper or the board to model the process of keeping a Word Journal. Students should be encouraged to refer to this model as they use their journals independently.

Today, I’m going to show you how to keep track of the words we learn. When we were reading the story __________ we learned some new words. One of the words was __________.

Write the word in the box provided.

Does anyone remember what that word means?

Students respond; then write the meaning of the word in the box provided.

I love words because they mean something to all of us. I would use the word __________ to describe __________. I’m going to draw a picture of what this word means.

Draw the picture.

What does the word __________ make you think about or feel?

Call on students and encourage personal responses that relate to the word __________. Praise students for sharing.


3. Have students complete the Sample Word Journal.

Now, it is your turn to make a Word Journal.

4. Walk around to monitor students’ performance as they play the game.


For Advanced Students:

Encourage these students to add a sentence describing the picture at the bottom of the page. The vocabulary word should be included in the sentence.

For Struggling Students:

If students have a difficult time coming up with a personal experience for a word, encourage them to think of a friend or a character in a book that has a connection with the word and draw that.

For ELL Students:

You may have these students work with a partner.

Related activities

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