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Letter combination accuracy, Get One, Give One

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Activity Type: Build Accuracy
Activity Form: Game
Grade: 1, 2
Group Size: Small Group
Materials: A deck of word cards with words that contain letter combinations, letter combination cards from Letter cards
Goal: Given a letter combination, the student can identify and read words that contain that combination.
Items: All letter combinations learned so far.

What to do

  1. Before introducing the game, choose one letter combination for each student in the group. Each player should have a different letter combination. Make one letter combination card for each player. Make the letter combination cards on a different color card stock from the word cards. Create a list of words that contain the desired letter combinations. Make cards with the words. You may want to laminate the cards. Make enough word cards so that you have a large pile from which students can draw (about 8 cards per person). The pile should only contain words with the letter combinations that the students have.
  2. Today, we are going to play a game called Get One, Give One. The first thing I am going to do is give each player a letter combination card. You will all have different letter combinations. Do not show anyone what letter combination you have.
  3. Put the deck of cards face down in a pile. For the first round, each player will get a card.
  4. On every round after that, each player will take one card from the pile and give one card to someone else. You can choose which card to give away, and you can choose who to give it to. Let’s say I am playing with Shamika, Charles, and Elliott. On my turn, I will take a card from the pile. I will now pick one card from my hand and give it to either Shamika, Charles, or Elliott.
  5. I am trying to get as many words as I can with the letter combination on my card. Shamika is trying to get words with the letter combination on her card. Charles is trying to get words with the letter combination on his card, etc.
  6. We will go around the circle, taking turns picking a card and giving one away. We will keep going until all of the cards are gone.
  7. Then, each person will show their letter combination card and all of the word cards that have that letter combination. They will make their letter combination sound and read each word.
  8. The person with the most words for their letter combination card is the winner!
  9. Are there any questions? Answer questions, clarifying the rules of the game.
  10. Observe students. For students who struggle, offer help and make a note in an Activity Log.

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